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Our Challenges

We´re looking for startups that have solutions to these challenges.

Climate Action

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Help supply chains reach net zero carbon emissions by finding affordable technologies to decarbonize our value chains. We are looking for the following solutions:

Energy Consumption and Monitoring

- Tools to collect data on energy consumption in supply and value chain and/or tools to measure and compare the environmental impact of projects and products
- High Efficiency Coolers to reduce the carbon footprint of old refrigerators or coolers. In particular, process coolers that can replace existing obsolete refrigeration OR new environmentally friendly cooling technologies for retail
- Solutions for refurbishment of used coolers to get a 2nd life
- Techniques and technologies to accelerate product cooling in retail environments and/or to significantly decrease energy consumption of commercial coolers while maintaining and/or increasing the stock capacity and the look & feel of the device
- High efficiency, novel air compressor technologies
- Energy monitoring and control technology, building management systems
- New solutions or equipment for energy efficient malting, boiling, cold sterile filtration, pasteurization, bottle washing and refrigeration
- More energy efficient glass making techniques (for scaled glass production) including innovations in the number of molds in a furnace
- Low energy glass manufacturing: hybrid, electrical, hydrogen furnaces
- Low cost and scalable solutions to increase grid carrying capacity
- Low-energy mobile washing technology for reusable packaging at outdoor events, festivals etc.
- Steam and compressed air leak detection technology and analytics
- Biogas prediction and analytics e.g. capture data from biogas regeneration to understand how to re-use it
- Prediction analysis for fermented CO2 generation

Renewable & Alternative Energy Solutions

- Renewable heat solutions
- Alternatives to diesel generators for on-site power generation
- Bio-diesel on-site generation for fuel supply to power generators
- Transportation materials and equipment made from renewable energy sources rather than petroleum derivatives or other potentially environmentally harmful sources
- Cutting edge on-site thermal and electric renewable solutions for manufacturing, warehouses and distribution centers ideally with cogeneration and/or energy storage technology or solutions. Peak shaving technologies in Africa and APAC.
- Solution for cogeneration and sell-off
- Small scale waste to energy solutions for individual sites
- Scalable businesses that leverage low carbon energy generation from plastic waste
- Renewable energy storage solutions
- Natural Gas replacement with Biogas &/or Hydrogen for Heat & Power Generation
- 100% renewable electricity for 1) electrolysis for alumina 2) aluminum can sheet 3) Can production
- Decarbonization of thermal loads in can manufacturing including ovens
- Hydrogen as gas substitution on can-to-can remelting plants
- Full scale green hydrogen production technologies
- 100% renewable electricity for glass process - 1) electrolysis for glass 2) aluminum can sheet 3) Bottle production
- Decarbonization of thermal loads in bottle manufacturing including ovens
- Novel heat exchange technologies
- Boosting efficiency of existing PV solar

Carbon Reduction, Capture & Removal

- Solutions for permanent carbon capture such as blue carbon in areas with low marine flora
- New solutions or technology that removes carbon from the atmosphere
- Solutions capable of reducing, capturing & storing emissions of CO2, NOx and particulate gases from engines
- Low-cost electric modes for the delivery segment (motorcycle and bike)
- Possible applications and benefits of captured CO2 for various sectors and industries

Business Case & Financial Analyses

- New financing structures/ vehicles/ solutions e.g. HPA or Heat As A Service
- Tools to assess financial risks to businesses due to climate change stressors
- Predictive analytics or modeling of climate and water impacts, new product simulations
- Modeling of material prices with carbon footprints/pricing
- True pricing methodology

Green Logistics

- Smart logistics for optimized routing in T1/T2 logistics & distribution, combined palletized/bulk shipments in backloads, reverse logistics and other solutions for 100% full trucks at all times for less time on the road
- Payload loss in T1 EV transportation
- Tools for calculating and analyzing cost efficiency of EV/FCEV
- Renewable energy technology with super high efficiency for trucking, rail, ocean and air including biofuel, electric, wind, solar and water - that are accessible for the entire market
- Green infrastructure in manufacturing facilities
- Alternative fuels for vehicles / carbon footprint reduction (middle mile, last mile deliveries, forklift trucks)
- Improving fuel efficiency of current vehicles (Fuel sensors, driving analytics, light weighting)
- Optimization of mixed vehicle fleet routing (dynamic routing to various fleet mix, fleet mix optimization)
- Decrease energy consumption in warehouse (lightweight solar panels, energy monitoring systems, warehouse densification, etc.)
- Automated measurement of carbon usage (ocean, land, rail transportation)
- Modeling of logistics carbon emissions for network decision-making
- Infrastructure footprint solutions supporting logistic operations
- Hydrogen-cell based engine types
- Safety monitoring system (e.g. realtime monitoring system during high-risk work)
- Green Logistics Idea and feasible plan in JPN and NZ-Korea

Digitalization and automation of energy consumption

- Master control systems for automated combination of different heat sources for heat supply in production (fossil renewable)
- Energy spot market optimization – control consumption based on market signals and optimize consumption based on different criteria
- Predictive and self-learning tools for optimizing energy consumption (e.g. digital twins etc.)
- Tools for designing renewable heat and power supply solutions for food & beverage production
- Holistic models for normalized comparison of local energy efficiency and carbon emissions, down to process level
- HVAC optimization technologies
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