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Our Challenges

We´re looking for startups that have solutions to these challenges.


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Help us protect, renew, and grow the biodiversity of all ecosystems to sustain life on Earth, and maintain the foundation of our supply chains and businesses. We are looking for the following solutions:

- Technologies or solutions to accelerate positive biodiversity benefits in nature-based solution projects
- Technologies or solutions to improve ecosystem services performance and/or resilience
- Technologies or solutions to increase genetic diversity to improve crops or nutrient content in plant-based foods
- Technologies to measure and track biodiversity in the implementation of nature-based solutions and agriculture projects
- Technologies to measure value chain risk associated to biodiversity loss
- Technologies or solutions for full traceability of food, beverages and consumables (e.g. packaging) to ensure those supply chains are not accelerating biodiversity loss or deforestation
- Technology that measures the impact of waste on biodiversity and intervention suggestions
- Science based methodology to measure ecosystem services (on land / maritime environment)
- Technologies or solutions to increase awareness on Biodiversity challenges
- Solutions to identify and track biodiversity impact on bottom line
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