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Hydal by Nafigate

Hydal by Nafigate

Sustainable and circular biopolymer production

company typeCircular Packaging

company locationCzech Republic

Piloting Partner : AB InBev, Colgate-Palmolive

Program Cohort: 3

Female Founded

Funds Raised: N/A

Nature-based solution on Hydal biotechnology - Natural Hydal PHA biopolymer is produced from biowaste materials as feedstock. It is circular, biodegradable, biocompatible, and non-toxic.


linkedin profile

Lenka Mynářová linkedin profile

Member of the Board NAFIGATE Corporation

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Ondrej Mynar linkedin profile

Co-owner and CEO at NAFIGATE Cosmetics

Corporate partners

The pilot will use AB InBev’s spent grain to obtain P3HB and use it for two exploration projects. Colgate-Palmolive will work with Nafigate to create a compact powder deodorant and a UV protection with zinc Oxide that use P3HB. The goal is to use the AB InBev converted spent grain-derived P3HB for the final samples of the products.

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